链接: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1pLcV67x 密码: 69xi
Many people think that "Shadow Spy Who Came in North Africa" ( "Casablanca") is produced by Hollywood's greatest films, although an exaggeration, but it reflects the film's classic status, and to create the classic film is film Members of the stars, you will be starring in all of the penetrating portrait of the interpretation of the role, and his impressive acting Tianzaodishe character for the match left us with a Lectra, Lisa worked, such as the classic image of the screen. Humphrey Bogart's determination and the indifference of the speech Lectra character in the cynical sense of honor and the temperament to the perfect balance. Cool as the strong appearance of the full conversation with the fear of Jay Chou is also difficult to hold a candle, and under the hot tip of the inner feelings through the Humphrey Bogart knit the brows a smile to the fans to show the general public. After a fairly long period of time Lectra million women are fans of the idol, until now, his presence in the film is still sufficient for the girls worked captivated. And Ingrid Bergman also themselves the most glamorous side to stay in the film, is her beautiful contrast of the shine out of the final Lectra tolerance and magnanimity, it is precisely because her interpretation of a man in the world The American role was dumped before the film has to watch the drama, and Lisa has become a black-and-white images of Princess Diana and famous lover of classic public.
Henry Paul is also excellent as to a Lisa to attract such a woman's man, maturity and idealism of his temperament is the portrait of Victor has a hard to resist the charm. Supporting role is spangled with stars, is different, Pitelaoer, such as Conrad Devitt worked at the time of the red angle for the film are presented wonderful performances. The film's story has been hovering on the brink of conventional, but the fluctuations in the amount of turn and save the entire script, and the film's dialogue is also quite good, it still would like to commend the superb acting of several stars. In addition, Michael Curtis mood for a good grasp of the mobilization is a major highlight film, he knows how to make sensational time of sorrow and select the right atmosphere strengths being. In this way, great actors, great director, good script together to create a fusion of this romance, suspense, humor, patriotism and a good film. Although more than half a century has passed, but the film's classic status is growing.